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FLASH NEWS - Holmdel Township Committee adds $5 million to 2019 budget for fire safety improvements.  See News Articles for more information.

See our new page for interesting archived news articles on Holmdel's fire safety conditions.

FAST Presents Findings of Fire Study

 *** The following is from a Better Holmdel Post ***

On March 15, 2019, FAST presented a summary of the officiial fire study released by Holmdel at the annual meeting of Citizens for Informed Land Use (CILU).  (Note: FAST is a separate independent group and is not related to CILU.)


Among the study’s key findings, the audience of about 50 people learned that there is a need: (1) to increase the number of firefighters, (2) for a centrally located firehouse in order to reduce response time that is above the recommended standard of 12 minutes, and (3) to replace and refurbish existing fire trucks as soon as possible. Of particular concern is that the total number of active volunteer firefighters has gone down from about 65 in recent years to 35 cited in the study. The presentation cited references (either direct quotes or page references) from the fire study for the key findings.


After the study’s findings, there was a discussion of the latest developments, including recent Township announcements, as well as a robust Q&A session that lasted more than an hour.


Through an OPRA request, FAST learned that Holmdel was given a 12-month notice in Feb. 2017 by the Insurance Services Office (“ISO”) that Holmdel’s community fire rating will be downgraded unless improvements were made (and, in fact, was downgraded). Some residents confirmed that their homeowner insurance premium was increased by as much as 25% due to a downgrade of Holmdel’s fire rating. Some noted that even when asked twice by a resident in the audience: “What did Holmdel do after receiving this notice from ISO?”, Deputy Mayor Michael Nikolis, who attended the presentation, did not appear to give a satisfactory answer.

Holmdel 2019 Fire Study


The long waited fire study by Dr. Carter was finally released on Jan. 31, 2019.  The findings in the fire study are alarming.

Holmdel currently has a fire rating grade of 6/6X, a fair to middling grade, from the Insurance Service Office (“ISO”).  This was downgraded in 2018 from the previous rating of 5 after Holmdel was given a 12-month notice of the pending downgrade.  This rating (used by some insurance companies to set our home insurance rates and is not normally made available to the public) is a score from 1 to 10 with 1 as the best possible score

Holmdel Fire Study 2019_01_31.JPG
Fire Truck.JPG


A non-profit, non-partisan citizens group

Our Mission


FAST was formed in 2019 to drive significant fire safety improvements for Holmdel on a timely basis.  We seek to accomplish this by sharing information, providing input and monitoring actions.


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